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In recent years, Community Learning Centre at Flemming Elementary school has been working to making the school more accessible and inclusive to the community, and to expose students staff and community to different cultural activities.
The creation of CLC Community Nights across the entire New Frontiers School Board territory has been nothing less than remarkable, in helping achieve an inter-sectoral family and community support program.
At Quebec High School, the students are the ones doing the teaching: the teens’ technical savvy is being put to good use through a series of workshops offered to local seniors on how to navigate the online world.
For over 12 years Community Learning Centres (CLCs) across Quebec collaborate with local partners to provide resources to support families with children 0-5 years old.
When offering services and activities to families, CLC schools will often conduct a needs assessment - a method of gathering data from the school community, to better tailor the interventions, partnerships, and programs that the school, and the community, can offer.
It is a program for parents and their babies and/or young children that focuses on the “pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories together” (National PCMG Program).
CLC Community Development Agents (CDA) at Netagamiou CLC in Chevery and Harrington CLC mobilized their schools and communities to reach out to the neighbouring Innu community of Unamen Shipu to get to know more about their local history, culture, and traditions.
“Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No Excuses!” - Kobe Bryant
A carpentry program is a great way to offer a hands-on educational experience to students, allowing them to engage in their learning and develop real-life skills while giving back to their community.
The Club Zone Lachine is the evolution of the youth community centre, a place for today’s children and teens to engage their bodies, minds and spirits. From 3:30 pm to 8 pm daily, adolescents are given a chance to socialize and enjoy a vast array of activities in a couple of classrooms of Lakeside Academy.
The Community Learning Center (CLC) based out of Laurentian Regional High School (LRHS) in Lachute, Quebec has launched an initiative for Anglophone teenagers and young adults living on the Autism Spectrum in the Laurentians.
After attending a CLC workshop, staff at Gaspé Elementary School (GES) learned that if children do not learn to read by grade 3 that they will likely fall behind academically, socially and economically in the future.
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