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Community Schools develop partnerships to achieve specific outcomes for students, families and communities at large. Learn more about common outcome areas for students, families and communities by exploring the resources on this page.
The CLC approach to student well-being is based on the community school model that views health through a holistic lens which includes physical activities and healthy eating in addition to social and emotional wellness.
Families play an important role in the education of children. Parents are their child’s first teachers and mentors. When children enter school, educators join the team to help further the academic, social and emotional education of students. Together, families and schools can create the best environments in which children can learn, grow and thrive as citizens.
Here are three ‘big ideas’ introduced by Dr. Sabrina Jafralie.
Community Development Agents can support outdoor learning by securing funding for greening spaces and getting kids moving as well as supporting teachers to make curriculum connections while working with partners who share these goals.
One of the most effective ways that teachers can leverage school-community partnerships is by developing Community Service Learning (CSL) projects.
CSL is a proven teaching strategy that helps students acquire subject-specific and cross-curricular competencies while meeting an authentic community need.
In the context of Quebec, signs of vitality for the English-speaking community include ongoing communication, cooperation, and collaboration between English community organizations and Francophone institutions, the availability of educational and recreational activities in English, social and economic integration and more.
In the Community School approach, as well as in the literature on student success, these two things are understood as tightly interwoven. Students do better in schools that have established a relationship with parents and the community.
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