Watch these PD sessions from the current year—registration required. These links will direct you to the Zoom website where you will need to register in order to view the session.
What a Community School Approach Brings to Quebec’s English School Sector: Connections, Connections, Connections
Audience: All
CLC Principals: Integrating the Community School Approach in School Educational Projects
The development of a school’s Educational Project is an ideal time to include the Community Development Agent (CDA) in the planning process. Join us for a discussion with special guests Eva Lettner, Director, Instructional Technology and Educational Services at ETSB, and Siu-Min Jim, CDA at the Richmond, Danville & Drummondville Community Learning Centre, to hear how they approached the opportunity and how School-Community partnerships can enhance strategies that support the Educational Project goals.
CAEO (The Canadian Association of Education and Outreach) Quebec is a charitable volunteer organisation founded in 1976 originally operating under the name of Gay Line. Their mission is to combat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, queerphobia, intersexism and heterosexism. Their flagship program, SILK (Sexual Information Leads to Knowledge) is an educational workshop that provides English speaking schools with free visits geared to increase awareness and knowledge on sexual diversity, gender identity, and inclusivity. Our workshop facilitators share their personal testimonials, animate interactive activities that teach about the LGBTQ+ community and lead a discussion on how to make your school a safer space for LGBTQ+ students. Find out more about how you can book a free, in-person or online workshop for your school at this session!
Partner Spotlight on the Centres of Excellence: Autism Spectrum Disorder / ALDI
In the second of the Partner Spotlights highlighting the Centres of Excellence, Katherine Cohene of the Centre of Excellence Autism Spectrum Disorder and Heather Scott from the ALDI Initiative (Advancing Learning In Differentiation And Inclusion) we heard about the mandates of these Centres of Excellence.
Partner Spotlight on the Centres of Excellence: Speech & Language Development / Physically, Intellectually & Multi-Challenged
Carol Jazzar of the Centre of Excellence for Speech and Language Development & Sarah Lynch from the Centre of Excellence for the Physically, Intellectually and Multi-Challenged presented about their mandates and how they support the English school network.
CDAs Supporting CLCs: Year in Review and Planning for 2023/24
The PRT showcased tools and strategies, including a list of reflection questions, to evaluate the CLC goals from the past year and to help frame the conversation with your principal about the CLC Action Plan for the 2023-24 school year.
Building Gardens and Outdoor spaces
CDAs across the network shared their work from Ed Sweeney speaking about his large-scale garden project that brings together the school, the nearby senior residence, and a variety of funding partners; Angela Troli who is on the school team that recently received a large grant to re-do the schoolyard; Jayne Doddridge shared the school planning to fund and install a Yurt; Marlene Boudreau let us know about their recent large sum grant to redo their outdoor space; and Jennifer McNeil spoke about how the school has been invested in outdoor spaces over the years.
Principals Supporting CLCs: Year in Review and Planning for 2023/24
In this 30-minute webinar, the PRT introduced Principals to tools and strategies, including a list of reflection questions for evaluating the goals from the past year. This is to help frame the conversation with your CDA about the CLC Action Plan for the 2023/24 school year.
Community Service Learning: A Student and Teacher Engagement Strategy
Learn about Community Service Learning as a pedagogical approach that uses School-Community Partnerships. Engage students and teachers in projects and partnerships that contribute to a community need.
Community School Approach in School Educational Projects
CDAs can support school teams in the development of their educational projects. Join the PRT and Siu-Min Jim from the Richmond, Danville & Drummondville CLC to hear how her schools are including the community school approach and how school-community partnerships can enhance strategies that support the goals.
Partner Spotlight: Support for Student Learning
Join us for a half-hour lunchtime presentation featuring AlloProf and LEARN Tutoring. Discover the services and resources available to support student learning.
Audience: CLC Network
Mental Health Innovation Lab- Information Session
The Mental Health Innovation Lab is a design thinking process that prioritizes the voice of youth (ages 15-29), teachers and community partners to develop local strategies to address mental wellness needs in the school and community. For the past year we’ve been prototyping the lab and now entering the next phase.
Join us for an information session to share the design, what happened in the schools and discuss next steps.
We encourage CDAs, school and school board staff with a stake in supporting mental wellness to attend and hear all about this innovative practice.
Audience: Mental Health Stakeholders in Schools, School Boards and Community Partners, including CDAs, Guidance, Teachers, NPIs and local wellness partners.
CLCs Role in Improving School Climate
This webinar will explore aspects of the ABAV plan, followed by discussions on what does positive school climate mean and it’s importance. We will also look at ways how CLC’s can be implicated.
Presenter: Nicole Julien, Former CDA, Centre of Excellence for School Climate
Audience: CLC Network
Partner Spotlight: ACDPN & BCRC
Join us to learn more about the services, programs and activities offered by the African Canadian Development and Prevention Network and the Black Community Resource Centre.
Grant Jam Session 1: Sharing
The first step in researching grants is to have conversations. Join us and tell us what you know, or would like to find out. The intent of our first session is to gather collective knowledge. Have you had successes or failures with grants? What are the needs of your school that could be addressed by finding the right funder?
Audience: CDAs
Partner Spotlight: Literacy Organizations
Learn how to partner with provincial and local literacy organizations to support students and their families. Come hear Literacy Quebec and United for Literacy (formerly Frontier College) present their activities, resources, tools and programming.
Audience: CDAs
CLC Principals & the Community School Approach: Why a Community School?
Information session and professional development for CLC principals.
Audience: Principals
CLC Principals & the Community School Approach: Why a Community School?
Information session and professional development for CLC principals.
Audience: Principals
CLC Principals & the Community School Approach: Why a Community School?
Information session and professional development for CLC principals.
Audience: Principals
Filling Out the CLC Online Journal
Overview on how to fill out each section of the online journal, tips on how to gather information along the way, what to highlight, and how to share complementary information and images to showcase impact.
Audience: CDAs
Partner Spotlight: CPF and PÉLIQ-AN
Learn about available funding opportunities and activities available this school year.
Audience: CDAs & Teachers
Partnerships & Roundtable
Finding your place and building relationships to support CLC school goals
Audience: CDAs
Young Carers in the Classroom
Sensitizing staff to the challenges young carers face and discussing ways that they can be supported at school.
Building Health Partnerships in CLC Schools
A webinar for Community Development Agents (CDAs) and education stakeholders working with CLC Schools to learn more on the benefits of developing strong partnerships with local Networking and Partnership Initiative coordinators (NPIs) that support health and wellbeing in schools and community.
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Replays from the April 27 – 29, 2022 CLC conference
Preparing for Next School Year: Program Evaluation & Planning, Part 1
This is the first of a two-part session about evaluation and planning for the 2020-2021 school year. Learn more about what you can do in advance (and how) to support the planning process (e.g., conduct a mini-evaluation of CLC activities, consult with key people and documents, take a look at service delivery indicators in your OMR etc.).
Preparing for Next School Year: Program Evaluation & Planning, Part 2
For part two of the series, we focused on completing the CLC Action Plan Template, after
reviewing an example of a well-developed Action plan and looking closely at the Action plan template.
Mental Wellness Resources for CLC School Teams focuses on resources to support the mental wellness of staff, students and families.
Asynchronous Learning & Leadership Opportunities showcases a growing number of opportunities for students to learn and lead inside and outside of the classroom, as a group or individually.
Engaging and Partnering with Parents From a Distance focuses on strategies to help schools engage with parents and on tips for parents to create a supportive learning environment at home.
Caring for our Little Ones During Periods of Uncertainty explores the various ways schools can connect with preschool children and their families. The PRT highlighted effective practices, spotlight programs, partners and resources.
Connecting with Seniors highlights the ways CDAs, non-profit organizations and youth are connecting to Seniors, online and offline across the province. Vanessa Herrick, from Senior Action Quebec, Kevin McLeod, Executive Director of AGAPE and Rachel Chainey from Concordia’s engAGE Living Labs joined us to provide insights into the efforts being made to reach this community during isolation.
CLC Approach to Environmental Education and Sustainability provided an opportunity to follow community mapping exercises while considering how to engage partners, school staff, families and community.
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
Webinar Wednesdays is a series presented by LEARN’s Provincial Resource Team (PRT) featuring national, provincial and local partners in an effort to bring resources and services to schools across Quebec serving the English-speaking population, originally presented to Community Schools in support to the Community Learning Centres (CLC) initiative. To find out more, visit
The CLC 2024 Go Further, Together Conference, held in Orford on April 23 & 24, was a resounding success, bringing together educators and community partners for a dynamic two days of learning. The focus on collaboration was evident, from the inspirational keynotes to a variety of workshops which offered practical tools and resources aimed at strengthening support for students and families in the English community school network (CLC). Prioritizing networking time facilitated the exchange of ideas and best practices, ensuring a truly enriching experience for all participants. Feeling energized and equipped with fresh ideas, CLC school teams are ready to continue their vital work of fostering student success and building vibrant communities
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